Air Medical Crew
CMEs Training will be offering the Air Medical Crew Course as a four day/32 hour instruction class. This course meets and exceeds the Florida State 64J-1.005 requirements for air medical education and is based on DOT National Standard Curriculum and Guidelines for Air Medical Crew Course Education. CMEs Training will utilize fixed and rotor wing medical aircraft at The Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport for practical training and orientation.
Aircraft & LZ Safety and Orientation
Preventing Pilot & Crew Error
Flight Physiology
Crew Requirements
Search & Rescue
Dress and fitness
This course will cover patient assessment and management of medical emergencies: respiratory, cardiac, neurological, orthopedic, trauma, burn patients, shock, obstetrical and pediatrics. It is specifically geared for licensed Physicians, RN’s and Paramedics who strive to achieve a higher level of education and medical expertise in order to enhance their capabilities to function safely and effectively in the aero-medical environment. The Air Medical Crew Course is approved by the Florida Bureau of EMS for Continuing Education credits.
Air Medical Crew Course