Online Courses
At CMEs Training we recognize that balancing home and career can be difficult so we have developed learning opportunities that can be accessed wherever you are and at a time that’s convenient for you.
Below is a list of online courses available. All our courses are approved through the Florida Board of Nursing and all CEUs are reported to CE Broker on successful completion of the course on your behalf if you have a Florida or DC license.
While most States will accept accredited online courses from other States, it is the participant’s responsibility to check with their own State Board to make sure it is accepted.
There are no refunds on any of the online courses.

Online and Home Study
CMEs Training realizes how valuable your time is. Balancing home and career can be difficult so we have developed learning opportunities that are flexible and present themselves not only in the traditional classroom setting but as a convenient alternative, via on-line programs.
1. Register for a Course
Choose a class from the selection above or call 877.850.2702 for more information.
2. Sign In
After registration sign in using your LAST name and Medical License number.
3. Learn the Material
Read the material! Program material can be downloaded.
4. Pass the Test
Take the test and demonstrate your skills and proficiency.

Online and Home Study
CMEs Training realizes how valuable your time is. Balancing home and career can be difficult so we have developed learning opportunities that are flexible and present themselves not only in the traditional classroom setting but as a convenient alternative, via on-line programs.
1. Register for a Course
2. Sign In
3. Learn the Material
4. Pass the Test
5. Print Confirmation
Choose a class from the selection above or call 877.850.2702 for more information.
After registration sign in using your LAST name and Medical License number.
Read the material! Program material can be downloaded.
Take the test and demonstrate your skills and proficiency.
Blended Learning
American Heart Association – Heartcode
American Red Cross – Blended Learning
Alzheimers -4 CEUs $18.00 – Coming soon…
Beth’s life was changed forever when she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. All her hopes and dreams for the future were now in ‘limbo’ and she was only 55! But this didn’t mean life was over but change was coming…
Alzheimers is a progressive and fatal disease that has no cure. In 2017, the Alzheimers Association reports that 5.5 million Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimers dementia.
This online course will discuss all the causes and theories behind Alzheimers and dementia. The signs, symptoms and stages and how we cope. What are the most current staggering statistics and what does the future hold for treatment and cures?
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence – 4 CEUs $18.00
Domestic Violence can affect anyone. It does not discriminate. It crosses all borders of age, sex, religion and gender. It can be emotional, physical or sexual and is found in any socioeconomic background. According to the Department of Justice, it is a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by one person to gain or maintain power over another.
This course will inform the reader to better understand the meaning of ‘Domestic Violence’ and how to better identify its victims. Understand the sign and symptoms and causation.
Documentation – The Key to Completing the Patient Care Experience – 1 CEU $10 Coming Soon…
A basic review of the importance of documentation not only for the EMS provider but also agency quality assurance.
EMT Refresher State of Florida
EMT Refresher State of Florida – 48 CEUs $175.00
In this class the EMT participant will perform a comprehensive review of all the functions of the basic EMT. This program is for person(s) who are in need of a refresher for their EMT certification through the State of Florida. This program is 100% ONLINE. This fulfills the State of Florida requirement for 30 hours plus 2 hours in pediatric emergencies.
End of Life & Palliative Care
End of Life & Palliative Care – 4 CEUs $18.00
The goal of this program is to update and enhance the readers’ knowledge about end of life and palliative care in patients and the psychosocial and physical issues associated with dying patients.
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking – 2 CEUs $10 –
There has been a change to CE requirement rules and regulations.
Section 6. Paragraph C of 464.013 now includes a new CE requirement for all Florida nursing professionals.
The Board shall require each person licensed or certified under this chapter to complete a 2 hour CE course on human trafficking, as defined in s.787.06(2).
All nursing professionals must complete this course every biennium beginning January 1, 2019.
HIV/AIDS Renewal – 1 CEU $10
According to the CDC 1.1 million people in the US are living with HIV and 1 in 7 people are unaware of it. This online course will review the facts from and fiction of HIV/AIDS. How it is transmitted and by what means. How to care provide care for those with HIV/AIDS, what information and resources are available.
This course meets the requirements of 1 CEU required by the Florida Board of Nursing.
Laws and Rules
Laws and Rules – 2 CEUs $10.00 – Coming Soon…
This online course fulfills the requirement by the Florida Board of Nursing for 2 CEUs in Laws and Rules in Nursing each renewal period. The course discusses the requirements, both ethical and legal of being a nurse in the State of Florida and the issues that may arise.
Medical Errors
Medical Errors – 2 CEUs $10
This course will provide an introduction and overview of the safety concerns facing healthcare systems today. This course provides the two hour course relating to prevention of medical errors as part of the renewal process for licensure.
Registration Link
Pain Management
Paramedic Refresher
Paramedic Refresher – State of Florida – $225
This course fulfills the requirement by the Florida Dept of Health for 30 hours plus 2 hours in pediatric emergencies. This course is 100% online. ACLS is NOT included.
Patient Assessment for the EMS Provider
Patient Assessment for the EMS Provider – 2 CEUs $10 Coming Soon…
This course will demonstrate basic principles for the EMS Provider regarding patient assessment.
Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace
Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace – 2 CEUs $10.00 Coming Soon…
Beginning August 1, 2017, the Florida Dept of Nursing requires licensees to complete 2 CEUs on Recognition of Impairment in the Workplace and then every other renewal.
Scene Safety for the EMS Provider
Scene Safety for the EMS Provider – 2 CEUs $10 Coming Soon…
This is a short program to review the safety awareness procedures for all EMS Providers.
Vascular Access – Fluid Resuscitation ©
Vascular Access – Fluid Resuscitation – 1 CEUs $10
This course discusses the various vascular access devices and options in fluid resuscitation. In addition, the course discusses the current controversies in volume infusion to the emergent patient.