IV Therapy
Intravenous (IV Therapy) therapy is now a routine part of most patients’ hospital stay. CMEs Training presents this program in two different settings… For the RN, LPN or someone who works in the home health care setting or a recent graduate or maybe someone who just needs to refresh their skills we can help you!!
CMEs Training offers the 30 hour IV Therapy certification that complies with the State of Florida requirement in two modules:
1. 14 hours pre-course didactic home study with a pre-test that must be completed and sent in prior to the class.
2. The 16 hours in-class skills workshop
Topics include:
- Review indications, terminology, acronyms for IV Therapy
- Various IV access devices
- Vein Selection – finding a vein, IV Starts, flushing, discontinuation and much more…
If you don’t need the full course but just need to brush up on your skills for 4 hours we can help!
CMEs Training has a newly developed course that will give you CEUs from the Florida Board of Nursing we offer small groups for hands on simulation training – face to face!